Saturday 10 December 2016

Week 1 Day 3

During this week I spent my time researching as I felt that my research skills were quite standard and undeveloped, so I spent the whole day really exploring my chosen words by intense thought of what I truly felt the words meant to me and how they can all add up together. This resulted in me creating a detailed mind map and spending a long period of time in the library looking upon book after book also for the first time I have chosen to pin up my concept board and have it right in front of my face to improve my knowledge and gain inspiration within my research.

Week 1 Day 2

During this week we worked upon two workshops which involved, free experimental drawing, and mannequin display regarding our three chosen words where I had chosen to go with Man Ray, Capture, and Brave as I felt that in a way the two words go hand in hand if thought upon in a way of taking in a freeze framing a moment; not being afraid to explore what around you and going over our limits, which as well I felt was a great example presented in Man Rays word as he captures everything and is not one to shy away reaching his limits even it does cause controversy and shocking his viewers, which I feel is a great inspiration.  

Nonetheless in regards to the workshops I started with free experimental drawing. With this workshop I used a variety of different supplies and materials, including Chalk, Pastels, Pen, Ink pen, and so on. In regards to this work shop I really wanted to explore with color and really let loose when drawing as I am one to prefer detailed and sharp drawing as opposed to it flowing so for me this workshop was very enjoyable as I was able to do just that and let my hand roam free upon the paper experimenting with a range of markings.

The second workshop that I did was the mannequin display. With this workshop we were given three different fabrics with one of them being stretchy and we had to experiment with shapes and structure then sketch it and so on. I really enjoyed this work shop as I was able to explore ways of really taking advantage of the materials by playing around with its fabric; exceeding its limits and exaggerating it's frame, while using it to express what I feel my three words mean to me which really broadened my design ideas.

Week 1 Day 1

Three Words 

In this week we took a trip, exploring two art galleries. This includes the Saatchi gallery, and the Tate modern. Through this trip we observed the two galleries to collect inspiration within our new project which is based upon a variety of words, (titling names, process, and descriptive) given to us that we personally pick an individual word per title. In regards to the exhibition I focused within the structure of the artist work and tried to find a number of different pieces where the artists have used a dissimilar kind of material than usual in their work which would give my ideas upon my own on how I could format my work and which material would not only be unique from the usual but will also be relevant to my words but will also appear captivating and bold. Through my trip I have a chance to look at pieces where they used distinct materials such a light, plants, writing, illusion patterns, videos and so on, which I felt was very useful and really gained my knowledge in developing my ideas further than just using simple fabrics, paint and such.      

Week 1 day 2


During this week our theme was Vintage fashion where we had to choose a period from either the 1950s or earlier and in my instinct I choice the Edwardian period we did a number of workshops which included mannequin display, quick drawings, and Frankenstein collages to help us progress and develop with our ideas in regarding to the shape and format of a garment. 

The first workshop that I started with was the quick drawings/sketches in the essence of this, this broadened our thinking and helped us think of uncommon patterns and formation that could be reviled into a garment or at least would present a captivating and abstract structure which could be worked into. when drawing my quick sketches I first focused upon distinctive details of images that I had found interesting and worked into it be exploiting does details and making it contemporary by mixing the old and the new, for example adding frills and embroidery with over sized clothing and a more modern structure.

The next workshop that I worked within was the mannequin display. Through this I drew out patterns with a black felt pen from the details of old vintage clothing from the Edwardian period that I liked a photocopied multiples of the drawn details. With this I incorporated the copies onto the mannequins and experimented with its shape and structure in a variety of different ways which involved cutting, folding, scrunching etc. This enlarged my thought process, and helped to expand my development into the theme.

The last workshop I worked with was the Frankenstein collages. Through this I followed my photocopied within the Frankenstein collages by furthering my experimentation by exceeding my development within structure, working with designs that I would not possible be able to format 3D with the mannequin resulting in collagen it instead. In my opinion I thought that this was helpful as I was able to produce interesting shapes that may not have worked 3D by experimenting, also I found it a lot more easier to exaggerate that shapes and move it around to my liking if I didn't quite think that it fitted.