Saturday 10 December 2016

Week 1 day 2


During this week our theme was Vintage fashion where we had to choose a period from either the 1950s or earlier and in my instinct I choice the Edwardian period we did a number of workshops which included mannequin display, quick drawings, and Frankenstein collages to help us progress and develop with our ideas in regarding to the shape and format of a garment. 

The first workshop that I started with was the quick drawings/sketches in the essence of this, this broadened our thinking and helped us think of uncommon patterns and formation that could be reviled into a garment or at least would present a captivating and abstract structure which could be worked into. when drawing my quick sketches I first focused upon distinctive details of images that I had found interesting and worked into it be exploiting does details and making it contemporary by mixing the old and the new, for example adding frills and embroidery with over sized clothing and a more modern structure.

The next workshop that I worked within was the mannequin display. Through this I drew out patterns with a black felt pen from the details of old vintage clothing from the Edwardian period that I liked a photocopied multiples of the drawn details. With this I incorporated the copies onto the mannequins and experimented with its shape and structure in a variety of different ways which involved cutting, folding, scrunching etc. This enlarged my thought process, and helped to expand my development into the theme.

The last workshop I worked with was the Frankenstein collages. Through this I followed my photocopied within the Frankenstein collages by furthering my experimentation by exceeding my development within structure, working with designs that I would not possible be able to format 3D with the mannequin resulting in collagen it instead. In my opinion I thought that this was helpful as I was able to produce interesting shapes that may not have worked 3D by experimenting, also I found it a lot more easier to exaggerate that shapes and move it around to my liking if I didn't quite think that it fitted.    

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