Saturday 4 March 2017

Week 1 Day 2


For this week our project was based around politics where we had to come up with a topic that most interested us on the grounds of everyday issues in the world. For my chosen topic I picked ethnical stereotypes as I found it interesting how we as society prejudice people simply upon race and if we happen to see a person acting in a way that fits their stereotype we would immediately place a majority within that category through just a single person or a small group of people. For this project I wanted to focus upon digital print as I felt that it really suited this theme and I felt that it could really show off the issue in a more playful but straightforward way rather than hiding the meaning with an exaggerated outcome. When beginning my project I looked into a particular photographer that took random people on the street and had them write answers to everyday questions that society thinks but would never say or would say in ignorance. I found this style of work very interesting and thought it would be a great idea to add into my work, so I decided to build up answers that could generally be questioned amongst people and building it up so it appears as a collage. By doing this I used Photoshop and picked put a font that I thought would stand out but has this kind of urban appearance to it; also keeping it black and white to add to the affect of the theme of ethnicity and the colours black and white being what represents race globally.

During the week I worked upon another pattern, this time I drew it; working around cartoons. I based my inspiration around images which I have seen in children’s shows and have shown how ethnical stereotypes can be shown within this through the use of exaggerated facial features or the way the characters behaviour which places them within their prejudiced groups. Again I wanted to stick with the colours of black and white and making the drawings as simple as possible but still displaying a strong meaning showing how we are brought up from a young age to prejudice as it is what we see by the media, and if we have no idea of a particular race personally and all we see of that race is what is presented on the TV then we will think that everyone in that race acts that way.

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