Thursday 29 September 2016

V&A and Serpentine gallery outing
week 1 day 3

On my trip to the V&A and Serpentine time gallery outing I was able to find some very fascinating pieces that I felt could really add inspiration towards my personal project. For example in regards to the V&A I was mostly brought my attentions sourly to the architectural section as this is what I was going to start my project on. Through this I was able to come a across a few peculiar sculptures that I felt could really relate to my theme. One sculpture that I particular adored was this kind of abstract box; however it looked broken up, sectioned into pieces, complemented with bright colors such as yellow and green. I found this sculpture both exciting and frustrating at the same time but still drew you in with its playful shapes and colors.

That were a few other sculptures that had also fascinated me and which I felt also would have benefited to my project through their peculiar and random shapes however I thought that this particular sculpture really brought architecture to life and showed a more pleasurable side to it while still mind bobbling its viewers.

In regards to the serpentine gallery I was able to find this particular building that really interested me. like the sculpture in the V&A this building also seemed to have it's share of a playful and exciting structure, and in a way this particular building reminded me of the leaning tower of Pisa through its wonky structure and uneven frame. The individual cubes attached together to create the building was something I also found very interesting as each insignificant cube all working to together to create a firm and stable tower really presented a vague idea of 'structural attachment' in my opinion as they were all purposely 'structured' together into this unusual shape.

I had selectively picked out a few other pictures that I had to taken on my outing. I felt that these images were very relate able to my inner theme of architecture and in a way creates a confusion which to the viewer could also be captivating and thrilling.

After my outing at the V&A and the Serpentine Gallery I observed through the particular pieces that I observed while out on my trip I thought long and hard using the inspiration of these shapes and my research book I sketched out possible and compelling ways that this could be used i a garment and how this could draw my viewer attention as it did for me on my outing. through my research and the help of the outing I was able to jot down a number of sketched related to my day and my theme. Nonetheless I also had a brief look at a few fashion designers that I felt somewhat added to my inner  theme of architecture and showed off structure and confusion. Through this I researched a Japanese designer named Issey Miyake, mostly focusing upon his origami collection as I felt that it fitting hand in hand with architecture as both present an extraordinary kind of structure.

Through this I used my research from the gallery and my research from Miyake's origami collection to explore different methods of shapes and structures as a starting point towards my project. This allowed me to go outside my comfort zone and really develop new and exciting ways of exploring 'Structural attachment'. through my sketches I focused upon trying to find a constructive way of attaching the shapes together but still allowing it to make sense to the viewer. Nevertheless this showed me new ideas that could be adding into my actual sketchbook going on the my final piece.

 Overall, going back to my outing at the Q&A and the serpentine Gallery I felt that it was very helpful and enjoyable and gave me a variety of ideas that I could use towards my project. I felt that it was a great experience and allowed me to open up to different concepts of my inner theme (architecture) as a way of going forward with my project.

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