Monday 28 November 2016

Progress Summary

During the process of my projects I have learnt a variety of different techniques and methods to which helped towards my final project pieces. This would include, flat drawings, knitting, Frankenstein collages, fabric samples, and so on. Throughout this course I feel that I have slowly started to develop ideas a little faster making the process of my working throughout projects go by a lot swifter; preventing me from falling behind frequently like I did in previous projects.

 Through the course I have also developed my skills in decorating my book and making it more presentable to the audience. This had been done by making my work more spacious and using colored tape to stick my work in rather than see-through tape and so on as it looks more interesting to the eye.

 Nonetheless I still feel that overall my pace of working is still quite slower compared to others as I feel that on each individual piece I do seem to make it quite detailed, resulting in the quantity being low, which could lead to final piece ideas being quite rushed. This is something I want to work on by creating faster sketches/images. In regards to the course I feel that my skills in knitting and sewing have quite improved and I feel that I am a lot more confident in that essence when it comes to making more garments in the future as I will be a lot more faster. Throughout the course I feel that I would want to learn more in the terms of creating an actuate sewing pattern through proper measurements  for my garments as I feel that it was something that I never quite learnt, also I feel that it could really benefit my work in the future. 

Thursday 24 November 2016

Week 2 Day 5 

I have come to the end of this project and I have found my final garment okay. Nonetheless I do still fill that it could have been better. In my opinion I feel that I preferred the back part of my garment rather than the front as I felt the back had a little more structure to it and I felt a little more interesting to look at. 

In regards to the garment as a whole I really liked the torn up and tattered style of the garment as I felt that it kind of gave the piece a kind of vintage appeal to it.

My favorite part of the piece nonetheless was the torn up jean hood that I created as I felt that it really complemented the garment as a whole and just gave it that something extra to make it a bit more compelling to its audience. 

I also enjoyed playing around with the abstract side of the garment by purposely choosing the make parts of the garment uneven.

Week 2 day 4

During this week I was working upon completing my final piece. Through this I decided to use a choice of three different clothing, which involved a thick grey coat, a black and which stripped shirt, and a pair of baggy denim jeans which was all added together to make a jacket. 

Being honest at first I didn't know what exactly I wanted to do at first with my garment and how I wanted it to work, as my ideas continuously changed. This meant continuous changing of clothing, colors, and the structure of the clothing and I really did struggle. Nonetheless I did mange to come up with an idea which presented a kind of over-sized jacket and displayed a kind of torn up, grunge look to it which at the moment I thought really worked as it really displayed the theme deconstruction as a way of combining different things together to make a whole piece. 

Nevertheless due to time I felt that my final piece was a little rushed and was not finalized to its ultimate best, as I felt that more could have been added to the garment or it could have been stitched in a neater format. I also felt that I could have added thicker kinds of clothing to the garment to make it more stable. 

However I still feel in some aspects it works so far as in my opinion is appears quite abstract.

Week 2 day 2

During this week I have worked upon making fabric samples of potential samples that I could add within my final piece. For this I used black fabric and used multiple folds within the fabric by stitching it up. With this I experimented by finding ways that would be suitable for my garment. I felt that this was helpful as I was able to try many examples of attaching different garments together.  

Sunday 13 November 2016

Week 1 Day 3

During this day we did more experimenting by photo coping our clothing where I decided to make mine black and white. After photo coping we cut out our copies into different shapes and presented our ideas onto a mannequin showing ways of displaying structure and layering. once we had finished working upon our ideas, which we did in pairs where are partners helped us with our mannequin designs and we helped them with theirs then the whole class gathered our designs so we could observe everyone work; looking at the ones which court our eyes the most and which stood out the most in our opinions. I again thought that this was very helpful as we were able to develop ideas and receive inspiration from others which we had not thought to add to our own. 

Week 1 Day 2

During this day we were creating more ideas using the mannequins with the clothing that we were taking pictures of the other day. With the clothing we used it to make new ideas and putting to clothing to a different part of the body which isn't its usual, for example using the trousers to make a top. I felt that this was a great method to really help me express original ideas and to come out of my comfort zone when it came to 'deconstruction' as I was able to think of ideas that I may not have given a second thought if I didn't try it on the mannequin first.

The next part of the day we had to unpick/cut our clothing to observer how everyday clothing is made and how it is constructed together. this was also very helpful as it gave me ideas of how and where I could attach the multiple of clothing together to make a complete outfit so the original garment is now longer recognizable.

With this we also used the mannequins once the clothing was unattached and tried out more new designs with deconstruction.   

New Project

Week 1 Day 1

On the first day of the project we worked upon using a method for our sketch books called 'Frankenstein collages' where we word take different limes/ body parts from models in the magazines that we brought with us and we would cut up different clothes that we felt were nice and we would add it to the body part templates which we created to try and make a completely new outfit out of it b by using the individual clothing. 

I found this very interesting as it was a new way for me to really experiment and try new methods of designing exciting and peculiar creations. Also it gave me a couple of ideas which I could use towards me final piece which also helped.

We also gathered clothes which we weren't using and took photos of them and photo copied the clothing in different positions in a way of research and close observation of the garments so we are aware of the of all the possible ways that we could alter the clothing into a new garment.  


Wednesday 2 November 2016

Week 8

Final Piece

Here I have shown one of the photos in regards to my photo shoot. I have chosen to work within straps as I felt that it was very effective in the essence of the inner theme 'confined', nonetheless I feel that the term 'confined' doesn't always have to resemble to suffocation. This is why I went a little deeper within my inner theme so it does not appear too obvious and still relates to the theme of 'Structural attachment'. Through this I did want my top to be spacious to present a sense of society and how we are entitled to our own freedom; however we still have that awareness of restriction and lack of full authority. This means that others of higher authority will still have that containment upon us whether we think they do or not. I also feel that the color really complements the top as the color seems almost lifeless in a way which could present a sense of depression and isolation as if the person wearing the top is imprisoned within the fabric. This can too be shown within the turtle neck and dolmen sleeve as a way of having no escape; being completely trapped.

If I were to repeat what my design I would make the straps a little shorter and so it fits the model correctly. I would have also made the neck space a little bigger as it was a stretch to put the garment over my models head. nonetheless there was no major difficulties in result of it.