Sunday 13 November 2016

New Project

Week 1 Day 1

On the first day of the project we worked upon using a method for our sketch books called 'Frankenstein collages' where we word take different limes/ body parts from models in the magazines that we brought with us and we would cut up different clothes that we felt were nice and we would add it to the body part templates which we created to try and make a completely new outfit out of it b by using the individual clothing. 

I found this very interesting as it was a new way for me to really experiment and try new methods of designing exciting and peculiar creations. Also it gave me a couple of ideas which I could use towards me final piece which also helped.

We also gathered clothes which we weren't using and took photos of them and photo copied the clothing in different positions in a way of research and close observation of the garments so we are aware of the of all the possible ways that we could alter the clothing into a new garment.  


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