Saturday 11 February 2017

Week 2 Day 5

Showing my final garment I would have to say that I am very pleased with how it turned nonetheless there may be a few pieces here and there that I could have tweaked, but overall, and with my level of sewing skills at this moment in time I am quite pleased. In regards to my piece I felt that the concept of the three words have shown its elements within the garment as I was able to show my thoughts upon capture through the use of the extra fabric that I had chose to attach to the garment as a way that it appears as a kind of canvassed art which is complemented by the shapes which rest upon it in resemblance to ‘Revolving doors’. I also felt that the word brave also took its part within the garment as the garment as a whole had a lot going on within it through the vivid colours and abstract and uneven shapes, which for the viewer would make it very difficult to know where to look first, coming to grasps with the piece. I also feel despite the vibrant colours and the playful representation I have also presented a quite dated look to the garment such as the frilled collar and the plaid pattern which in a way can compare back to Man Ray again as his work is seen very old-fashion, especially involving his photography work which can show a contrast of the past and present.   

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