Tuesday 25 April 2017

Week 5

My Personal Addictions  

I have made a short video displaying my struggles with addiction and past experiences as to why I have let this particular obsession take over my life and why it takes me away from the issues around me.

When explaining I talked a lot about my insecurities and low self esteem, and how I always feel inferior to other people in the area of appearance.

Something I didn’t quite get to fully talk about was my struggles dealing with confidence and my anxiety when being around to many people, such as how I tend to shy away if I do not know someone very well and can easily feel uncomfortable in a situation very fast where it gets to the point that I try to find a way to leave.

When talking about my addictions in the video I referred to music. This is something I felt that I have been obsessed with for quite awhile. I sensed that my addiction was mainly to do with the fact that I wanted to use music as a sense of drowning out my own problems and worries by filling my mind with sounds of my favourite songs, or songs that relate to my problems at the time or in particular situation.

In the video I related a lot to my past, and experiences that lead me to have the insecurities that I did. In my video I didn’t really talk about it much but being younger in previous schools I was, I mean I wouldn't call it bullying but I was often teased a lot for my appearance and body and just the way I looked. I don't know whether it was just harmless joking but it did personally hurt me; causing me to think of myself in a negative way of not being good enough. Because of this I wore baggy clothes a lot and became a lot shyer and reserved, keeping to myself a lot. This is when I would listen to music the most, as ways of kind of making me feel better and trying to boost my confidence up a little more. Another topic that I discussed was also my social life and connecting with other people. I explained how I feel like I’m always stuck or haunted by my past and only seem to be moving back while everyone around me is moving on without me and I just can’t seem to move on, thinking that there is something wrong with me. I felt that this was probably to do with the death of relatives such as my brother and uncle, and just seeing death after death causing me to not want to get too close to people because they will suddenly just leave and I will lose another person that I cared about this is why I felt that music was this kind of thing that I could rely on, and not have to worry about it disappearing or judging me but more identify and relate with me. I wanted music to be a replacement for society so I could just block out the world around me and just have music. 

Monday 17 April 2017

Week Easter term

For this project we were asked to create our own technical patterns, as well as altering the dots to have a different outcome from our original patterns which we had pre copied.

When changing the pattern, I took my original pattern and placed it within a new paper; placing a needle in the centre point after using a pencil to draw around it, then spinning the original pattern around and marking a new pattern with a red pen.

Once I had the outline for my new pattern block I started to manipulate the darts by observing the edges and outlining the appropriate folding needed, as well as removing excess space at the waist with darts, I may have also wanted  to remove some of the width by altering the side seam (by following the tutorial) as well. It was normally best to distribute the amount which I removing by combining the two techniques.

When creating a new pattern I have to admit that I really struggled. I felt not completely sure what to do and if it was done right; however using the tutorials I tried to come up with what I thought was right. Nonetheless this was my first time doing something like this so I would expect to have some issues and difficulties in regards to the process.

With regards to the project we had to answer three questions around the outcome and knowledge upon the manipulation of darts and what we have learnt from it.

The questions ask:

What are darts for, what do they do?
Darts are folds placed into a pattern to reduce excess fabric and provide shape to a garment, this is more so used for a woman's bust as women’s clothing requires more shape then men’s due to curves. They are used frequently in all sorts of clothing to tailor and alter the garment to the wearer's body shape, or to make a unique kind of shape upon the garment.

What types of darts have been used on your original bodice block taken from fashion degree?
In the essence of my original pattern I feel that it falls under the lines of the centre front bust.

What type of darts are you using on your final developed block?

 In regards to my pattern I have chosen to go for a kind of mid-neck style while using my darts; however creating it I wasn’t quite sure.

Week Easter term

While continuing the development process of my project I had decided to try out a design that I wanted to move forward into a garment. In this case I was working with a coat, and focusing on a kind of bumped style to the coat.

By practising this I used calico and some spear sheets (Using a thinner, weak kind of fabric effected the back part of the coat causing the fabric to scrunch up when stitching and lifting the fabric up.), and cotton to stuff the coat. When making the coat I had to use a double layering of fabric to give this thicker and fuller style to it as if it is bloated and to allow me to put a filling in the coat.

In the process of making the garment I cut out two front pieces of the coat; the left and right side, then one back piece (I cut out two copies of this per piece. After I cut it out I had to stitch the two copies together per piece but leaving the bottom bit unstitched to allow me to add in the stuffing. Once they were all stitched together I added in the cotton stuffing; however I ran out of stuffing so for some of it I had to scrunch up newspaper and add that in as well (this affected the outcome and look of the coat.) once adding in the stuffing I closed up the rest of the pieces and used my sewing machine to put lines across each bloated piece so it gives that lumpy affect. Nonetheless due to the newspaper it wasn’t quite even as it caused an uneven filling and not that much of an effected shape; however when it is done for real I will only be using cotton so the effect will be more successful. In my opinion nevertheless I do still feel that the outcome was still pretty okay regarding the filling.  After putting the lines through I stitched the pieces together, making it into a coat then added a hood to see how that would look upon the coat as I wanted there to be a hood.

Overall I felt that the outcome of the coat wasn’t half bad and I feel that I will be using this within my final piece when it comes to making it.

What I hope to do after this is try and do some quick sketches through the practice garment and develop my ideas forward to see what new shapes I can come up with; working on manipulation and colour.

Step 1: Sewing the two pieces together 

 Step 2: the outcome of the two pieces 

 Step 3: adding in the filling 

 Step 4: sewing the bottom piece together after adding filling

 Step 5: sewing the lines to make the lines to make the bumpy effect

 Step 6: the pieces before sewed together
Final outcome.

Wednesday 5 April 2017


Week 3 Day 5

For these past few days I have been experimenting with repetition, and exceeding your limits by piling up my obsessions and on the ground and taking photos of it, using the photos to create Frankenstein’s and seeing how it would look on a person and the kind of shapes they are able to create. This idea I felt sprouted from my research upon the celebrities and being overloaded with wealth but having the consequences of being consistently in the eyes of society and having this burden on them to always be perfect; to be these kind of role models to the world as its what’s expected of them. This then had me thinking how we also have pressure from society; whether its’ around school, appearance, money, we have some kind of responsibility that will always leave us with stress and anxiety which most of the time is the reason for us  turning to our addictions. I feel that our obsessions, whatever that may be is a symbol of us carrying our burdens, issues, stress, pain, all being shoved into that one infatuation so much to the point where it becomes unbearable to hold around and begins to weigh on us, suffocate us, where we’re soon unable to go on anymore.

Through this I hope to make a practice garment to how to technique could be brought out onto an actual garment and how exactly I could make it revolving around the structure. 


Week 3 Day 4

During this week I have been experimenting with ways I can make unusual and unique patterns for my digital print. One way that I used to collect ideas was testing using sweet wrappers and plastic bags and melting it in the oven to see what kind of pattern, and shape appears out of it and the mixture of the different colours combining together. By doing this I also looked into paint and playing around with different colours mixing them together and trying out different patterns and techniques such as scratching the paint, swerving the paint around, washing out the paint, adding pens and markers to it, and even squirting the paint into a glass and adding water to it to see what kind of pattern it displays and how that could be worked into a print. While trying out these different methods I also used Photoshop and started designing some patterns then trying different effects upon the pattern to see if it makes a new kind of change to the pattern and if it will improve the appearance of the print.

Through this I will be designing more prints to see what would be the most appropiate for my final piece and to really just experiment with different designs regarding my digital print.


Week 3 Day 2

During the few weeks of my project I have been doing a lot of in-depth research and really exploring a lot of areas where I can find research that really links into my work. One of the kinds of media which I’ve been using is videos, where I particularly looked into music videos. I was very interested upon their bright and vibrant colours with a strong statement upon the theme of the music which in my case was mostly revolved around drugs, and being completely out of it. I felt that most of the videos showed a strong similarity when it came to this adventurous display in their use of colour and setting I kept seeing a lot of pink, green, yellow, orange, blue, turquoise, purple, in either a kind of closed off surrounding or just the background filled a single colour. The music videos were also very random with a very fast pace, I’m guessing to leave its viewers confused and unsure to what’s actually going on just like if you were to have the effects of actually being drugged up, having no control over your own body and in one’s mind being disconnected from reality and somehow feeling as though you’re in another world because that’s what the addiction is injecting the mind with so everything appears as a blur; some powerful hallucination.

Through watching the videos I was able to have some kind of idea within what colours I was thinking of using and what kind of patterns I will start creating. Just like the colours that I had been seeing in the music videos, these are the kind of colours that I was looking to use as I felt that they could really bring my theme to life and show it off in a way where it shows a kind of propaganda of addiction and how it can be presented by the media as something cool and youthful, also the way our mind feed us with this perception that our obsession and attraction is something pleasurable and exciting. I feel as though we tell ourselves, or try to force ourselves into believing that our obsessive behaviour is nothing but innocence and a mere playfulness to distract us from our real issues; A chance for us to bring out our inner child and not have to worry about reality, but stay in our bubble of craze, and lack of self- control.

With this I will be playing around with the shapes and colour and using it as a starting point in my design development.

Beenzino- Time Travel
BTS- Mama 


Week 2 Day 6

During this day I went and filmed a few people as they talked about their personal experiences around addiction, and how it affected, and made them feel. Through filming I explored different viewpoints to why they became addicted, and the reasons behind their decision. I wanted to know what caused them to go down this path of obsession and why they felt that it was their only choice if it was to get away from a negative situation. I felt that filming could be more affective then writing down their faults on paper as you are able to express more emphasis and really go further within personal emotions and mind process around a mental need. Through the roughly 30 second clips I asked one different question  to my interviewees regarding around their obsession and homed more into that one question to receive a more detailed and intimate answer. Nonetheless when looking for people to interview it was very difficult to find people who would be open to sharing a very private and personal content of their life to me; considering that they do not know me that well to feel comfortable sharing something like that to me or they may just think of an addiction that doesn’t really have much meaning or depth to it to be helpful to my project. However I tried to receive as much information that I could with the interviewees that I had, and I even interviewed myself to make it something that could also be revolved around my past and struggles.


Week 2 Day 2

To further my exploratory stage within my chosen theme I decided to make some surveys to find out what people thought upon the topic of addiction and their thoughts on ones mental and physical connection to addiction. When displaying my survey I asked about 18 to 20 people, with around about 8 questions around my topic.

 Through this I asked a variety of questions such as what colours they thought connected to addiction, and if they thought that addiction was considered a mental disorder etc. I wanted to look into different views on the topic and if a majority of people have similar ideas, and how did they even come about with these ideas? Did it come through the knowledge of the media, or through background experiences, from how they were brought up? That’s what I wanted to find out. How does society look upon addiction is it seen as something positive and cool, or something negative and dark, or is it considered both, and is addiction even a form of attachment, something we as individuals can get pulled into with one bad choice. 

When looking at the results of my survey there were a few answers that I was quite intrigued by as I could see that quite a number of people felt that colours being identified with addiction was very related to red, blue, yellow, black, green, purple, brown, and some people also thought of neon colours when thinking about addiction regarding it’s captivating and intimating colours. I’m guessing these particular colours were chosen because of their daunting image reminding us of darkness and pain, referring to the colours red, black, blue, brown etc. with these being the most common amongst my answers.

When asking people about rather they saw addiction as only negative, I was surprised to see that quite the majority said no; stating that it really depended on the situation and circumstance as some addictions are harmless; however the few who said yes felt that having too much of something or exceeding your limits is bad regardless what the obsession may be and can still be harmful in the long-term.

8 Week FMP 

Attachment within Addiction

Week 1 Day 5

To begin my project I thought I would start off with primary research and visit a number of museums to get started. One of the museums which I decided to visit was the Victoria Miro where Do Ho Suh’s exhibition ‘Passengers’ was held I thought this exhibition was very helpful to my research as I was able to see this explosion of different colours bursting out from the walls and of his ‘journey’ also I liked the way you could walk inside his creation; feeling the journey that he took. I felt that his work was able to link to my theme as his theme of journey could resemble to the journey of addiction, and the way our minds are exposed to our cravings and lust and how we choose to deal with this. This was something I felt that I could incorporate into my work and try playing around with the shapes and colour, just seeing how it could work in the essence of a garment. When going to the exhibition I also picked up some post cards that I thought related to my work and noted it down within my research book to come back to it when needed for my project.

I also went to visit another museum which was the science museum of London. This museum didn’t quite help me in the essence of inspiration as I felt that it was more in the terms of technology then something more abstract and creative that I could mould into my own creation. However there were a few pieces at the museum which could have been useful, nonetheless I decided to note it down in my research book instead just in case I needed to use it in the future. I briefly went to the Tate gallery as well to see Emin’s work (My Bed); however the exhibition wasn’t quite shown in that gallery, meaning I had to find other means of referencing her work as I could not see it firsthand, nevertheless I was able to collect a few more postcards for further research.


Tuesday 4 April 2017

FMP Proposal

Attachment within Addiction

Candidate Name
Amaka Anyimukwu
Candidate Number 8679823960
Fashion and Textiles Foundation 
Project Title Attachment within Addiction

Section 1: A review of progress and achievement through parts 1 & 2 of the course (Approx 150 words)
During My time on the fashion and textiles foundation course I have been someone who is very confident in the design and drawing side of the course,  though I tend to keep my work too neat and lose track of deadlines but find it the most enjoyable, nonetheless being part of the course I have gained a number of skills that have benefited me in the long run such as developing a more broadened outlook on designing and really just exploring away from my comfort zone, creating new ideas that haven’t been done before. Choosing fashion and textiles rather then moving to fashion promotion was quite a simple chose for me as I knew designing is what I wanted to be doing, and just using clothing to create your own story was something I felt was challenging yet experimental as we never seem to look deep into fashion but focus on its surface instead of understanding it’s plot. For me there is nothing more exiting then using a simple garment to make people think which is why fashion design is defiantly something I wish to peruse in the future.  

Section 2: Project Concept (approx 250 words)
“Addiction begins with the hope that something "out there" can instantly fill up the emptiness inside.” A saying which can be interpreted in numerous senses but no definition to determine if ones ‘addiction’ was already bound through unfortunate past circumstances, or are we really just ‘filling up the emptiness inside’, making the concept of addiction a somewhat distraction from our personal emotions and a feeling of depression which causes this strong attachment, obsession with whatever will heal; at least temporary this pain from within. For that query I aim to focus my project on attachment within addiction; hoping to explore why people develop addictions, and what forms their attachment to this certain thing/person, and does it come with consequences and regret, also is attachment within addiction always have to be seen as something negative or more of a passion?

When starting this project I want to begin by researching basic views of typical addictions such as drugs, alcohol, smoking etc and how it can affect a person’s brain; breathing, heart action, blood pressure, and frail skin which can decrease drastically to a dangerously low point; the brain cannot control body temperature, also death can and often occur through overdosing or long term poisoning to the body, but why they may become attached to this life of bondage, as Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive action around a certain craving, despite harmful consequences. It is considered a brain disease because this desire changes the brain; this changes its structure and how it works. This form of obsession is [1] mostly broadcasted around young people, people of a higher class, and people of high IQs. I feel that the reason for this maybe through excessive stress, or idleness, causing to seek attachment to other things. Nonetheless I want to investigate into how addiction is seen by society as a disease rather than a solution or a way of departing from responsibilities. I plan to find a way of looking within creating digital prints that can present this element of obsession and bondage, and maybe focusing with brighter colours that could contrast the dull, reserved mood which addiction portrays for something that appears absurd and over the top to show a painted disguise of what we want addiction to be even though the surface is not always what it seems to be. I also want to research into artists that can really complement my theme and inspire me in regards to ideas for patterns/structure such as Peter Gric and KwangHo Shin who particularly took my interest with their vibrant colours and captivating shapes. I intend to resolve the problem of limitation through stretchy and restricted fabrics that reduce my models personal space.  

Section 3: Evaluation (approx 100 words)
When it comes to my final major project I feel that research and having a full proof plan of what I need to do it something I need to really consider before I even attempt to start working in my sketch book as this is something that I lack, also time management is something I would need to work on when it comes to the project as I tend to spend a considerable amount of time of a section of work, leaving me with no time for any other part; making me fall behind. I feel for this project I should not focus all my attention upon the final piece which I usually do in regards to previous projects, leaving the rest of my work either unfinished or rushed.

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)

Tracy Emin and William Blake in focus. (1998). My Bed. [exhibition] The Tate Modern, London. (20:02:17)

Do Ho Suh. (2016). Passengers. [exhibition] Victoria Miro. (20:10:16)

No Author. (No Date). No Exhibition. [exhibition] Science Museum, London. (23:10:16)

No Author. (No Date). No Exhibition. [exhibition] Royal Academy of Arts. (23:10:16)

No Author. (No Date). No Exhibition. [exhibition] The National Gallery. (23:10:16)

No Author. (No Date). Modern Masters- from the thyssen-Bornemiza Collection [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 24:02:17)

Stephanie Terenzio. (No Date). Robert Motherwell & Black. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 24:02:17)

Andrew Forge. (No Date) Rauschenberg. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 24:02:17)

Andre Breton. (No Date). Surrealism and painting. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 24:02:17)

Arsen Pohribny. (No Date). Abstract Painting. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 24:02:17)

No Author. (No Date). New Perspectives In Painting. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 24:02:17)

No Author. (No Date). Abstraction: Towards a New Art. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 24:02:17)

David Anfam. (No Date). Abstract Expressionism. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 20:02:17)

Joan M. Marter. (2016). Women of Abstract Expressionism. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 12:02:17)

Lisa Miller. (2014). Drug-Free world
. [online] UK Available at. http://time.com/68381/life-beyond-death-the-science-of-the-afterlife-2/ (Accessed on 12:02:17)

Saatchi Art. (2010). Peter Gric. [online] UK Available at. https://www.saatchiart.com/petergric/  (Accessed on 20:02:17)

Everyday Health. (2016) 8 common behavioural addictions. [online] UK Available at. http://www.everydayhealth.com/addiction-pictures/the-8-most-surprising-addictions.aspx#01   / (Accessed on 20:02:17)
[1] Medical Daily. (2014) Drug Addiction, Unmasked: The Types Of People Most Likely To Get Addicted And Why. [online] UK Available at. http://www.medicaldaily.com/drug-addiction-unmasked-types-people-most-likely-get-addicted-and-why-302676  (Accessed on 20:02:17)

Wise old sayings. (2000-2016) Addiction Sayings and Quotes. [online] UK Available at. http://www.wiseoldsayings.com/addiction-quotes/ (Accessed on 20:02:17)

G. Jovanovic. (2015) 10 dark stories of crazed celebrity stalkers. [online] UK Available at. http://listverse.com/2015/09/01/10-dark-stories-of-crazed-celebrity-stalkers/ (Accessed on 20:02:17)

Brian Lewis Saunders. (2008) Brian Lewis Saunders. [online] UK Available at. http://bryanlewissaunders.org/drugs/  (Accessed on 21:04:17)

Jenny Saville. (2017) Saatchi Gallery. [online] UK Available at. http://www.saatchigallery.com/artists/jenny_saville.htm  (Accessed on 23:04:17)

No Author. (2015) various inspired images. [online] UK Available at. https://uk.pinterest.com/ (Accessed on 23:04:17)

No Author. (No date) Drug-Free world. [video] UK Available at.  http://www.drugfreeworld.org/real-life-stories.html (Accessed on 20:02:17)

ibighit. (2016) Wings short film. [video] UK Available at. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu82g0vyyTY (Accessed on 20:02:17)

AnnaShtormArt. (2012) Speed painting watercolor expression. [video] UK Available at. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpiXrivI4HU  (Accessed on 20:02:17)

WeAreLostKingsVEVO. (2017) Quit you. [video] UK Available at.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLfphtPIdQI  (Accessed on 18:03:17)

CJENMUSIC Official. (2016) Time Travel. [video] UK Available at.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLfphtPIdQI  (Accessed on 18:03:17)

P.J. Hogan. (2009). Confessions of a shopaholic. [Film] (20:02:17)

Ty Hodges. (2011). Video girl. [Film] (20:02:17)

Steve McQueen. (2011). Shame. [Film] (20:02:17)

Michael Grossman. (2010). Starstruck. [Film] (20:02:17)

Charles Dickens. (1984). A Christmas carol. [Film] (23:02:17)

Daily Mail online. (2007) Is addiction an illness or a weakness. [Article] UK Available at. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-442580/Is-addiction-illness-weakness.html  (Accessed on 20:02:17)

Judith Johnson (The Huffington post). (2016) Teens Addicted to Social Media
 [Article] UK Available at. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/judith-johnson/teens-addicted-to-social-_b_9696378.html (Accessed on 20:02:17)

Alcoholicsguide. (The Huffington post). (2014) Is addiction a attachment disorder
 [Article] UK Available at. https://insidethealcoholicbrain.com/2014/11/28/is-addiction-an-attachment-disorder/ (Accessed on 20:02:17)


Project Action Plan and Timetable
Date Week
Beginning Activity / What you are intending to do - including independent study Resources / What you will need to do it - including access to workshops

1 6/03/2017
Start researching upon my chosen subject, Through usage of books the internet, exhibitions etc.
laptop, notebook stationary

2 13/03/2017
Start surveying people on their thoughts upon addiction and consequences and their thoughts/ experiences around the topic. People to survey, laptop to record my results 

2 17/03/2017
Research upon patterns, and colour scheme that would be suitable for my topic Sketchbook, stationary/art materials, laptop 

3 21/03/2017
Mannequin display. Working with structure, shape and more pattern making Mannequin, sheets, laptop

3 25/03/2017 
More sketchbook work. Working with structure, shape and more patterns etc. (Book out slot for prototyping usage) Sketchbook, stationary/art materials, laptop

4 18/04/2017
Start to come to a conclusion on what pattern to use and what colours to use.   Sketchbook, stationary/art materials, laptop

5 1/05/2017
Start to come to a conclusion upon my garment designs and thinking about where I want to do my shoot/video.
Sketchbook, stationary/art materials, laptop

6 5/05/2017
Start to get fabric ready to start making the garments and start making garments
Art materials, use of the prototyping rooms, sewing machine, sewing equipment, sketchbook

7&8 18/05/2017
Continue with making garments and start to do the photo shoot/ video, Fabric, art materials, use of the prototyping rooms, sewing machine, sewing equipment, sketchbook, camera, model