Wednesday 5 April 2017

8 Week FMP 

Attachment within Addiction

Week 1 Day 5

To begin my project I thought I would start off with primary research and visit a number of museums to get started. One of the museums which I decided to visit was the Victoria Miro where Do Ho Suh’s exhibition ‘Passengers’ was held I thought this exhibition was very helpful to my research as I was able to see this explosion of different colours bursting out from the walls and of his ‘journey’ also I liked the way you could walk inside his creation; feeling the journey that he took. I felt that his work was able to link to my theme as his theme of journey could resemble to the journey of addiction, and the way our minds are exposed to our cravings and lust and how we choose to deal with this. This was something I felt that I could incorporate into my work and try playing around with the shapes and colour, just seeing how it could work in the essence of a garment. When going to the exhibition I also picked up some post cards that I thought related to my work and noted it down within my research book to come back to it when needed for my project.

I also went to visit another museum which was the science museum of London. This museum didn’t quite help me in the essence of inspiration as I felt that it was more in the terms of technology then something more abstract and creative that I could mould into my own creation. However there were a few pieces at the museum which could have been useful, nonetheless I decided to note it down in my research book instead just in case I needed to use it in the future. I briefly went to the Tate gallery as well to see Emin’s work (My Bed); however the exhibition wasn’t quite shown in that gallery, meaning I had to find other means of referencing her work as I could not see it firsthand, nevertheless I was able to collect a few more postcards for further research.


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