Tuesday 4 April 2017

FMP Proposal

Attachment within Addiction

Candidate Name
Amaka Anyimukwu
Candidate Number 8679823960
Fashion and Textiles Foundation 
Project Title Attachment within Addiction

Section 1: A review of progress and achievement through parts 1 & 2 of the course (Approx 150 words)
During My time on the fashion and textiles foundation course I have been someone who is very confident in the design and drawing side of the course,  though I tend to keep my work too neat and lose track of deadlines but find it the most enjoyable, nonetheless being part of the course I have gained a number of skills that have benefited me in the long run such as developing a more broadened outlook on designing and really just exploring away from my comfort zone, creating new ideas that haven’t been done before. Choosing fashion and textiles rather then moving to fashion promotion was quite a simple chose for me as I knew designing is what I wanted to be doing, and just using clothing to create your own story was something I felt was challenging yet experimental as we never seem to look deep into fashion but focus on its surface instead of understanding it’s plot. For me there is nothing more exiting then using a simple garment to make people think which is why fashion design is defiantly something I wish to peruse in the future.  

Section 2: Project Concept (approx 250 words)
“Addiction begins with the hope that something "out there" can instantly fill up the emptiness inside.” A saying which can be interpreted in numerous senses but no definition to determine if ones ‘addiction’ was already bound through unfortunate past circumstances, or are we really just ‘filling up the emptiness inside’, making the concept of addiction a somewhat distraction from our personal emotions and a feeling of depression which causes this strong attachment, obsession with whatever will heal; at least temporary this pain from within. For that query I aim to focus my project on attachment within addiction; hoping to explore why people develop addictions, and what forms their attachment to this certain thing/person, and does it come with consequences and regret, also is attachment within addiction always have to be seen as something negative or more of a passion?

When starting this project I want to begin by researching basic views of typical addictions such as drugs, alcohol, smoking etc and how it can affect a person’s brain; breathing, heart action, blood pressure, and frail skin which can decrease drastically to a dangerously low point; the brain cannot control body temperature, also death can and often occur through overdosing or long term poisoning to the body, but why they may become attached to this life of bondage, as Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive action around a certain craving, despite harmful consequences. It is considered a brain disease because this desire changes the brain; this changes its structure and how it works. This form of obsession is [1] mostly broadcasted around young people, people of a higher class, and people of high IQs. I feel that the reason for this maybe through excessive stress, or idleness, causing to seek attachment to other things. Nonetheless I want to investigate into how addiction is seen by society as a disease rather than a solution or a way of departing from responsibilities. I plan to find a way of looking within creating digital prints that can present this element of obsession and bondage, and maybe focusing with brighter colours that could contrast the dull, reserved mood which addiction portrays for something that appears absurd and over the top to show a painted disguise of what we want addiction to be even though the surface is not always what it seems to be. I also want to research into artists that can really complement my theme and inspire me in regards to ideas for patterns/structure such as Peter Gric and KwangHo Shin who particularly took my interest with their vibrant colours and captivating shapes. I intend to resolve the problem of limitation through stretchy and restricted fabrics that reduce my models personal space.  

Section 3: Evaluation (approx 100 words)
When it comes to my final major project I feel that research and having a full proof plan of what I need to do it something I need to really consider before I even attempt to start working in my sketch book as this is something that I lack, also time management is something I would need to work on when it comes to the project as I tend to spend a considerable amount of time of a section of work, leaving me with no time for any other part; making me fall behind. I feel for this project I should not focus all my attention upon the final piece which I usually do in regards to previous projects, leaving the rest of my work either unfinished or rushed.

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)

Tracy Emin and William Blake in focus. (1998). My Bed. [exhibition] The Tate Modern, London. (20:02:17)

Do Ho Suh. (2016). Passengers. [exhibition] Victoria Miro. (20:10:16)

No Author. (No Date). No Exhibition. [exhibition] Science Museum, London. (23:10:16)

No Author. (No Date). No Exhibition. [exhibition] Royal Academy of Arts. (23:10:16)

No Author. (No Date). No Exhibition. [exhibition] The National Gallery. (23:10:16)

No Author. (No Date). Modern Masters- from the thyssen-Bornemiza Collection [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 24:02:17)

Stephanie Terenzio. (No Date). Robert Motherwell & Black. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 24:02:17)

Andrew Forge. (No Date) Rauschenberg. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 24:02:17)

Andre Breton. (No Date). Surrealism and painting. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 24:02:17)

Arsen Pohribny. (No Date). Abstract Painting. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 24:02:17)

No Author. (No Date). New Perspectives In Painting. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 24:02:17)

No Author. (No Date). Abstraction: Towards a New Art. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 24:02:17)

David Anfam. (No Date). Abstract Expressionism. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 20:02:17)

Joan M. Marter. (2016). Women of Abstract Expressionism. [book] UK Available at. (Accessed on 12:02:17)

Lisa Miller. (2014). Drug-Free world
. [online] UK Available at. http://time.com/68381/life-beyond-death-the-science-of-the-afterlife-2/ (Accessed on 12:02:17)

Saatchi Art. (2010). Peter Gric. [online] UK Available at. https://www.saatchiart.com/petergric/  (Accessed on 20:02:17)

Everyday Health. (2016) 8 common behavioural addictions. [online] UK Available at. http://www.everydayhealth.com/addiction-pictures/the-8-most-surprising-addictions.aspx#01   / (Accessed on 20:02:17)
[1] Medical Daily. (2014) Drug Addiction, Unmasked: The Types Of People Most Likely To Get Addicted And Why. [online] UK Available at. http://www.medicaldaily.com/drug-addiction-unmasked-types-people-most-likely-get-addicted-and-why-302676  (Accessed on 20:02:17)

Wise old sayings. (2000-2016) Addiction Sayings and Quotes. [online] UK Available at. http://www.wiseoldsayings.com/addiction-quotes/ (Accessed on 20:02:17)

G. Jovanovic. (2015) 10 dark stories of crazed celebrity stalkers. [online] UK Available at. http://listverse.com/2015/09/01/10-dark-stories-of-crazed-celebrity-stalkers/ (Accessed on 20:02:17)

Brian Lewis Saunders. (2008) Brian Lewis Saunders. [online] UK Available at. http://bryanlewissaunders.org/drugs/  (Accessed on 21:04:17)

Jenny Saville. (2017) Saatchi Gallery. [online] UK Available at. http://www.saatchigallery.com/artists/jenny_saville.htm  (Accessed on 23:04:17)

No Author. (2015) various inspired images. [online] UK Available at. https://uk.pinterest.com/ (Accessed on 23:04:17)

No Author. (No date) Drug-Free world. [video] UK Available at.  http://www.drugfreeworld.org/real-life-stories.html (Accessed on 20:02:17)

ibighit. (2016) Wings short film. [video] UK Available at. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu82g0vyyTY (Accessed on 20:02:17)

AnnaShtormArt. (2012) Speed painting watercolor expression. [video] UK Available at. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpiXrivI4HU  (Accessed on 20:02:17)

WeAreLostKingsVEVO. (2017) Quit you. [video] UK Available at.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLfphtPIdQI  (Accessed on 18:03:17)

CJENMUSIC Official. (2016) Time Travel. [video] UK Available at.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLfphtPIdQI  (Accessed on 18:03:17)

P.J. Hogan. (2009). Confessions of a shopaholic. [Film] (20:02:17)

Ty Hodges. (2011). Video girl. [Film] (20:02:17)

Steve McQueen. (2011). Shame. [Film] (20:02:17)

Michael Grossman. (2010). Starstruck. [Film] (20:02:17)

Charles Dickens. (1984). A Christmas carol. [Film] (23:02:17)

Daily Mail online. (2007) Is addiction an illness or a weakness. [Article] UK Available at. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-442580/Is-addiction-illness-weakness.html  (Accessed on 20:02:17)

Judith Johnson (The Huffington post). (2016) Teens Addicted to Social Media
 [Article] UK Available at. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/judith-johnson/teens-addicted-to-social-_b_9696378.html (Accessed on 20:02:17)

Alcoholicsguide. (The Huffington post). (2014) Is addiction a attachment disorder
 [Article] UK Available at. https://insidethealcoholicbrain.com/2014/11/28/is-addiction-an-attachment-disorder/ (Accessed on 20:02:17)


Project Action Plan and Timetable
Date Week
Beginning Activity / What you are intending to do - including independent study Resources / What you will need to do it - including access to workshops

1 6/03/2017
Start researching upon my chosen subject, Through usage of books the internet, exhibitions etc.
laptop, notebook stationary

2 13/03/2017
Start surveying people on their thoughts upon addiction and consequences and their thoughts/ experiences around the topic. People to survey, laptop to record my results 

2 17/03/2017
Research upon patterns, and colour scheme that would be suitable for my topic Sketchbook, stationary/art materials, laptop 

3 21/03/2017
Mannequin display. Working with structure, shape and more pattern making Mannequin, sheets, laptop

3 25/03/2017 
More sketchbook work. Working with structure, shape and more patterns etc. (Book out slot for prototyping usage) Sketchbook, stationary/art materials, laptop

4 18/04/2017
Start to come to a conclusion on what pattern to use and what colours to use.   Sketchbook, stationary/art materials, laptop

5 1/05/2017
Start to come to a conclusion upon my garment designs and thinking about where I want to do my shoot/video.
Sketchbook, stationary/art materials, laptop

6 5/05/2017
Start to get fabric ready to start making the garments and start making garments
Art materials, use of the prototyping rooms, sewing machine, sewing equipment, sketchbook

7&8 18/05/2017
Continue with making garments and start to do the photo shoot/ video, Fabric, art materials, use of the prototyping rooms, sewing machine, sewing equipment, sketchbook, camera, model

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