Wednesday 5 April 2017


Week 2 Day 6

During this day I went and filmed a few people as they talked about their personal experiences around addiction, and how it affected, and made them feel. Through filming I explored different viewpoints to why they became addicted, and the reasons behind their decision. I wanted to know what caused them to go down this path of obsession and why they felt that it was their only choice if it was to get away from a negative situation. I felt that filming could be more affective then writing down their faults on paper as you are able to express more emphasis and really go further within personal emotions and mind process around a mental need. Through the roughly 30 second clips I asked one different question  to my interviewees regarding around their obsession and homed more into that one question to receive a more detailed and intimate answer. Nonetheless when looking for people to interview it was very difficult to find people who would be open to sharing a very private and personal content of their life to me; considering that they do not know me that well to feel comfortable sharing something like that to me or they may just think of an addiction that doesn’t really have much meaning or depth to it to be helpful to my project. However I tried to receive as much information that I could with the interviewees that I had, and I even interviewed myself to make it something that could also be revolved around my past and struggles.

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