Friday 26 May 2017


Final Statement Summary


Student Name: Amaka Anyimukwu               Pathway:F&T foundation

Final Major Project Title: Attachment within Addiction

You will need to submit this evaluation with your full project hand in
1. Briefly describe the final outcome of your project and the progress you have made, and if applicable how it differs from your original Project Proposal:
My 8 week project for the FMP was Attachment within Addiction with my end final piece being one full garment for menswear, with a photo shoot and a short film. In the essence of my project as a whole I feel that I have learnt a lot on the course and really have broadened my way of working. I feel that I have learnt skills that before I would not have been able to do, such as making a full garment, as I would have to say my sewing skill before were not the best. In the essence of my work I have slowly started to move away from my comfort zone to explore more ideas that wouldn’t first cross my mind. I believe through this project I have also learnt to self critique if I wasn’t doing a particular thing right, revolving in alteration until I am completely confident with what I have done.

2. What methods have you used to show how your learning has effected your project eg FMP Blog/ FMP Plan/ sketchbooks etc, and how has this helped with development of your work:
 I was very pleased with how my final piece turned out and I feel that I have made a lot of progress and have learnt so much during my project, plus managing my time using the FMP planner timetable really worked for me as through the project I didn’t feel as though I was falling behind or having to rush due to lack of time; I was able to work strictly to my planner which allowed my project to go by smoothly.  Through the FMP plan research was something that was a strong point for me in this project as I allowed myself a lot of time to fully explore my theme and to really dive in deep to gathering ideas that I wouldn’t originally think of first hand, and as before my research wasn’t practically my strong point so I was very pleased that I focused more upon it which also made my sketchbook flow more and displayed a much more clearer concept.

3. List the targets met (from the original FMP Plan and any that were added later):
Time management when creating my garment was something that too went smoothly as I was able to plan out exactly how many days needed to make it so I didn’t end up spending too long or a little amount of time to make it which resolved in me taking my time to make it causing little to no mistakes in the making. I hope to take these with me in my future course of managing my time well and really developing further my ideas.

Sewing button holes, sleeves, and trousers is one of the many skills that I have grasped during my project as well as having the awareness to develop and explore colours, making that a priority when designing a piece. Nonetheless there are still aspects I hope to continue at and get better, which would include design development in more depth as I still feel the urge to rush into a design without considering the extension of structure and shape which could affect the way my final garments are made, causing similar final garments.  My pattern cutting skills is something that I too need to practice, as I am unable to really go outside the box if my pattern cutting skills are minor.

4. Reflecting on your overall final major project, please discuss any developments which have contributed to the final outcome:
When starting my FMP I originally wanted to focus upon very intense, vibrant neon colours as going through my research the vibrant colours is what attracted me the most and I felt lured in by its striking appearance; however as my project went on, I had struggles coming to terms with how the neon colours would blend together as a whole piece, as I began to feel a little unsure with the whole idea of using colours so bold. In terms to my project I also felt that it didn’t really relate, especially when my project began to turn quite personal and more so looking into self-esteem and youth, it just didn’t seem to work for me anymore resolving in a change of colour.

5. Please state what advice you received from others during your FMP, and discuss what you found particularly useful: you should refer to group reviews, one-to-one tutorials and feedback from evaluation groups
During my group reviews I was told by my tutor that my project initially was not personal enough and it seemed that ‘addiction’ seemed to only be based around others lives or in the general rather than my own life, which I could understand where he was coming from. This is when I decided to look into obesity due to my lack of self- esteem, and layers of skin with the use of fabric samples and looking into an artist called Jenny Saville this brought my attention to skin tones and the way the colours change within mood and each stage of the skin which I found very fascinating, making me divert my colour scheme towards nude colours and delicate pinks.

6. Key points to take away – things to change about my approach (give at least 2) eg improve time management, what skills you have developed and how this will affect your future course/career and things to continue doing and to build on (give at least 2). What are you going to do next year?
(NOTE – you may find it useful to refer to this document at the beginning of your next self managed project.
During the project I have been much more careful with my time, and have been able to mange my days well and keep strictly to my schedule. I feel this will affect my future course as I will be able to work according to deadlines and not fall behind or run out of time. Thinking into more depth of future projects will also be something that is my priority as well as focusing on research for future projects. As I enjoyed doing menswear so much I feel that next year I will be moving on to do a full menswear course.  


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