Tuesday 16 May 2017


Week 6 Day 5

In this week I have decided to work on the stand by using pillows. As I looked at the words around protection and suffocation I wanted to use the pillows as a shield or a way of tightening around the body like a replacement for skin. By doing this I did a lot of stacking and piling up with the pillows to see what kind of shapes it makes. I feel that this development went really well as I was able to come up with shapes that I wouldn’t originally go for if I were to design it straight. I also liked the structure of the shapes when being piled up and stacked; however if I were to improve, or work into it more I would probably try changing the size and quantity of each pillow and playing around with it to see what kind of shapes that makes. I have chosen to do this as I felt that my design needed to be more thought about and developed as it mostly stayed within one shape.

Looking into my personal addictions as well, and going into my past and childhood I really wanted to look into the thought of being cushioned and sheltered from your surroundings, and having that sense of safety with what we are familiar with but somehow being very vulnerable, puny in the very thing that keeps us sane, secure, therefore making it more so a way of concealing us and strangling us emotionally rather than giving us comfort;  feeling like we are nothing without our amour, like we are naked if we do not receive that attachment/ nurturing, like we are somehow one.

Furthermore in regards to moving on using this throughout my project I will be using the shapes and will be creating a number of rough designs to see how this could potentially look as a garment; by doing this I will alter the shapes and by repeating, rotating, and moving around just to see how it could look when placed in another area as this has been suggested of me to do in by my tutor to explore a new kind of way of designing, and to allow me to get away from my comfort zone of designing only basic shapes which I felt was helpful and really helped me in the essence of my project as I was able to delve more into interesting and exciting potential garment ideas. 

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