Tuesday 16 May 2017


Week 6 Day 2

During this week I had looked into plastic and filling it up to see what its shape looks like when the bag has reached its complete capacity. When exploring this I looked within the creases that the bag made. I could see that the creases, where the knot was placed was the most noticeable as stuff in the bag press against this not as if the stuff is forcing its way out; in any attempt to be free. It felt as though everything that was in that bag was desperate to get out; only the very knot keeping it all within its enclosed and cramped walls was the one thing stopping its escape. I found this very fascinating as I felt that this links in with addiction, and attachment within addiction as our own addictions somehow are the one thing that prevent us from fully being unrestrained, and this puts a strain on our lives whether we realize this or not we are trapped within our own bags, our own enclosed walls, desperate to get out and forcing are way through until the weight becomes to unbearable to support anymore and that knot stopping us from moving on gradually gets tighter and tighter. This is what I felt when I resembled the two in comparison and felt that it would be fascinating to go forward with in regards to demonstrating my theme of displaying an interesting structure.

I felt that this investigation went very well as I was able to look into structure and exploring what happens to materials when being stretched, pulled and weighed down, and the shape it makes when this is happening. Nonetheless if I were to improve or move further with this idea I would try investigating with other materials/ fabrics and seeing how the stretching and pulling would affect these fabrics and if it would be any different to plastic. I would also try stretching out the bags to see how it could look on a potential garment.

Nevertheless when moving on with my project and researching more I decided I wasn’t going to move further with this idea purely as I felt that the bags was not exciting me much and I felt that it was quite restraint with what I could actually do with it. I felt that it reached its peak of investigation; however I still did find the idea of the creases and stretching interesting so I feel I will still move that idea forward through my project. 

This did however lead me to working on the mannequin using pillow cases and working with twisting and scrunching up to see what kind of silhouette that gives in opposed to the plastic bag as I felt that it was a must better improvement and kind of worked for me in the essence of my theme but some of the elements was still there but in my opinion this one looks a lot more interesting and grabs my attention more so I would probably more go on further with this idea. 

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