Tuesday 23 May 2017


Week 8

As our final major project has come to its end I believe that I have learnt a lot on the course and feel very confident in my final piece; disregarding minor technique issues but overall it went quite smoothly.

What I felt was most successful in regards to my project upon ‘Attachment within addiction’ was my final garment. My final piece was very personal to me and I felt that this project allowed me to really open up into my own insecurities and struggles and illustrate that into my work; however if I were to make it again I would probably have changed the fabric of the trousers as I felt it was a little tacky and frayed too much that it made it exceedingly hard to sew them.

Furthermore in the essence of making my garment I felt a lot more developed from when I first started the foundation course and feel a lot more confident to go and make a garment and have more ease in the process where the making goes by with less stress than before. I feel from the project I have gained a lot of sewing skill that before would have been a struggle for me and would be something that I would try and avoid, which was learning how to create button holes, sewing on sleeves, and hoods and padding, and also making trousers; however I do feel that I am not completely adjusted to sewing trousers fully, but I still do think that I am getting there.

In the essence of my final garment I chose to create it with layering, and an explosion of pure, luminous tones that leaves the viewer captivated by its feminine but delicate colours showing a kind of humbleness and purity to the piece. When making the garment I add a lot of layers, consisting of bottoms, an inner top, and a heavy outer top; using the nudes and pinks. I felt that layering was appropriate for this kind of garment as it starts off with rosy colours but switches to nude from the stretchy inner top, which indicates the impression of looking ‘skin deep’ to finding that we are all human despite our protected layers, giving off an impression that we are content and confident in our own skin but I feel with everyone; (and you could have the highest self-esteem) if you look deep enough everyone has their own insecurities and fears, and not even the greatest amount of shielding and cover up support our vulnerability sometimes, so we start to crack and bit by bit we become bare to our own doubt as our nerves and anxiety get the better of us; slowly eating away at us as we stand helpless; feeding on our fears. 

Like the innocence and free-spirit of a child; clueless to their surroundings and reliant on others we try to rely on something else as our own insecurities restrict us from relying on ourselves so we would find other means of finding that reassurance and peace from someone or something else in replacement of our self-positivity. This resolves in us becoming obsessed and fully attached to that one thing that will make us, even feel just that little bit good and will give us worth, so we drain ourselves with it and become a child, falling vulnerable and imprisoned by the very thing we think is keeping us safe and cushioned we let it deceive and control us as we stay naive to its harms and the fact that it’s doing no good for us as it stops us from have self control or to actually think for ourselves without our addictions doing the thinking for us; spoon feeding  our pride like a baby. 

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